
Supporting Your Local Artists Shouldn’t Be This Taxing

Have you ever felt short changed by an experience? Not getting the most of what you expect? Nobody likes to get less than the Max they deserve, but fortunately the Maximizers are on hand to help out. Presented by H&R Block, The Maximizers is a show dedicated to turning taxing experiences into maxing experiences.

Formed under a meteor shower during the twilight of a summer solstice, The Maximizers are an illustrious force of highly skilled specialists, who will stop at (quite literally) no expense in order to help unfortunate individuals reclaim the experiences they deserve.

Sometimes you just need a little support” says Hannah (26), “and The Maximizers were just so eager to help… like… really eager now that I think about it”. A soft-spoken barista from the charming town of Sagebrush, CA, Hannah likes to spend her free time exploring the local art scene in her town’s museums. However, when one such museum sold Hannah a ticket without informing her that they would be closing in just ten minutes, Hannah felt like she was denied the full experience for which she paid. “It just felt like I had both my money and experience stolen from me”

“There’s nothing worse than seeing someone suffer unnecessary Customer Care Tax”, says Peyton, Chief Strategist of Counterintelligence, Surveillance and Mild Sabotage at The Maximizers, “it just makes me so irate“. Fortunately for Hannah, Peyton was able to concoct a foolproof, simple plan to get her out of her predicament. “The trick is to keep things straightforward, and always ask the important questions – like, ‘how long can you hold your breath’, ‘are you allergic to oil paint’, and ‘do you happen to have a biological twin?

As the Maximizers like to say, ‘getting what you deserve should never be taxing’, and this tax season it doesn’t have to be. With maximum ease, accuracy, and many ways to file, H&R Block’s expertise results in your maximum refund, guaranteed. Online, or in person, H&R Block offers built-in reassurance with your tax prep, with upfront pricing, and NO hidden fees.

It’s just so simple“, adds Peyton, “how are they doing this?!

Watch the full episode above to see how Peyton hatches his incredible scheme.

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