
33 Spring Fashion Finds That Stopped Me in My Tracks

Today was the first day that the forecast hit above 70° in NYC. The change you see on people’s faces when spring arrives is unlike anything else. New Yorkers are known for their tough exteriors and ever-present frowns, and in the winter, we huddle up in our coats and avoid eye contact. The past few days have marked the launch of the spring season, and seeing even the toughest-looking New Yorker smile has truly made my day. 

I can’t believe I’m already making plans to move my winter items out of my closet and my spring items in, but I’m dusting off cobwebs and getting my home ready for a new season. While I want to wear as much as I can from last spring, I’m already plotting my purchases in the next few weeks. Below, find the first 33 pieces I’m considering, and I just can’t wait to share more.

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