
3 Easy Habits That Will Improve Your Mood And Energy Levels

Getting a good night’s sleep, making time for exercise, and (happily) maintaining an active social life can all help you to have more energy and be more productive. While many of us understand this in theory, we often fall down when it comes to following through and actually incorporating such behaviors into our daily routines. But there are three other, even simpler, practices that are easy to incorporate into your daily life. Adopt these healthy habits, and in time you will notice your mood improves and your energy levels increase, according to Amagoia Eizaguirre.

Set alarms–not just for waking up in the morning

Using a traditional alarm clock instead of the one on your phone is a simple secret to a better night’s sleep: You won’t pick up your phone and get distracted when all you wanted to do was check the time.

That said, the alarms on your mobile device can be helpful in two situations, according to Eizaguirre. The first is if you use them to limit how often you use your phone. “On average, we spend four hours a day looking at our mobile phones, and then we find we don’t have enough time to see our friends, rest or take care of errands. I set timetables for myself, with alarms that tell me when I have spent too long looking at my phone and it’s time to put it down,” she explains.

She sets up the scenario like this: Rather than create rigid schedules–because I know the stress I would feel if I couldn’t look at my mobile outside of set windows–I try not to spend more than 10 minutes at a time scrolling for pleasure. To stick to that limit, I set a stopwatch when I start looking at any social platform (some apps, including Instagram, allow you to set limits on your use: you’ll get an alert when your allotted time is almost up). This also helps me to turn my engagement with these platforms from mindless scrolling into a conscious practice.

Eizaguirre also recommends using the alarm on your phone to remind yourself that it is time to go to sleep. Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day contributes to improved sleep, and an alarm will help you stick to a consistent schedule rather than getting distracted by other tasks–or deciding to watch just one more episode of your current Netflix show.

Prioritize seeing friends who enrich your life

All of us know people who lift our mood–and people who seem to suck the energy out of us. It’s important to be able to distinguish between the two. Make every effort to find moments to spend with the positive people in your life, even if it’s just a quick coffee, a short walk together, or a phone call. It’s not necessary to block out an entire afternoon–although that would be ideal and is great when time allows. Instead, find a way to touch base on a daily basis, and let their positive energy boost yours. We are all busy, but we can still rededicate some of the many hours we spend on our phones to connecting with the people we love.

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